
Tuning the Triumph Tiger 100


Tuning the Triumph Tiger 100, very rare factory book published in the early 1950s, covers eight stages in tuning the 500cc Twin using the available Racing Kit, includes general specifications, technical data, Carburetor settings, timing, Spark Plug recommendations for Racing, Tyre pressures and loads more, love to get my hands on one of those Race

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1936 Vincent Motorcycle Brochure


This 1936 Vincent Motorcycle Catalog was sent to a Motor Cycle Enthusiast in Canada on request and comes with a cover letter on factory stationary signed by the Director of Vincent at the time, dated January 1936. The Catalog includes 16-pages and features Prices, Engine Details, General Specifications, The 500cc T.T. Model, Meteor, Comet, Comet

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1968 Norton Fastback


1968 Norton Fastback Commando, 750cc, first week production Commando, a very tasty machine I dug up in San Pedro, a totally original un-restored machine that was the 88th of the line, includes all the first year stuff that was exclusive for 1968. I enjoyed this machine for a couple of years before sending to the

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